Fall can be one of the most beautiful times of the year, but it comes with an overbearing chore: raking laves. You’d rather spend your time with friends and family doing your favorite fall activities. Fall weather can often be unpredictable, especially here in Michigan where we experience 84 degree weather one day to just two days later having a high of 45 degrees. It’s important to rake your leaves as efficiently as possible. Here are some tips on how to make this task less time-consuming, and easier on your back!
- Wait for Leaves to Finish Falling
You can’t rush Mother Nature. It’s pointless to start raking when the trees are still full of leaves. Save yourself some valuable time by waiting until the trees are practically bare before tackling the job.
- Rake With the Wind and Downhill if Possible
Take advantage of a breezy autumn day by raking in the same direction that the wind is blowing. The gusts will help move the dry leaves along. If you make the mistake of raking against the wind, every stroke of the rake will lift some leaves, which will then be blown backward. Leaves are light, but it’s still helpful to have gravity on your side.
- Use the Right Rake
Rakes with narrow spreads gather fewer leaves and add unnecessary time to the chore, so homeowners should choose varieties with a wider tine spread (aim for about 30 inches). Look for rakes labeled “no-clog”. These have angled tines that won’t pierce the leaves and create blockages.
- Use a Tarp to Help Save Your Back and Time.
Rather than bending over every few seconds to pick up leaves and place them in a bag or wheelbarrow, rake your leaves onto a tarp and pull it to where you dump them. You can even tie the ends of the tarp together and transport the whole “bag” to your community collection center. A high-quality, lightweight tarp can be reused many times and will last for years!
- Mow & Mulch at the Same Time
Do you have only a few fallen leaves on your property? You can get rid of them while simultaneously adding organic mulch to your lawn. Simply mow over them with a lawn mower, ideally one with a mulching setting. The blades will chop the dry leaves into small flakes, which will decompose quickly and add nutrients to your lawn.
- Use a Leaf Blower
Leaf blowers can greatly reduce cleanup time after raking, but only if they’re used correctly! Start by sectioning out the yard establishing a grid pattern, and then work the leaf blower back and forth in rows. Remember that practice makes perfect with leaf blowers. At first, many people have a tendency to stand too close to the leaves, which can blow them wildly in all directions.
- Make Sure All of Your Leaves Are Off Of The Grass Before Snowfall or Frost.
Not only are leaves harder to rake up after winter, but your grass can die from being underneath the weight of leaves for months. Keep your grass alive and rake them up!
These tips and tricks mentioned above will not only help you efficiently manage your seasonal chores, but they will also keep your lawn healthy and thriving. If you are looking to keep your lawn healthy in the fall, Naylor Landscape Management can help you! We offer year-round lawn care services that will keep your lawn in tip –top shape throughout the entire year!