Taking the time now to prep your lawn and garden for winter will ensure a beautiful start to the spring. It may seem hard to believe that frosty weather is right around the corner. The unseasonably warm temps we’ve been experiencing lately trick us into believing it’s never going to happen. But it’s coming! Take advantage of the nice days we have left to get working on the must-do list we’ve put together to get your lawn and garden ready for what Mother Nature has in store.
In the second part of our three-part fall prep series, we’re giving you the lowdown on prepping your plants and trees!
- Do you look forward to those first pops of color pushing their way through the ground in the spring? Plant your spring bulbs now for maximum impact. We gave you the low-down on all you need to know here.
- Perennials can grow tremendously over the summer. Now is the time to divide and conquer. If you’re looking to add a few new varieties to your garden beds, head to your local garden center where you’re sure to find some great buys. Plant now to get those roots established. It’s fine to leave perennials and ornamental grasses as they are in your landscape, there’s no need to cut them back as their foliage will help provide additional protection at their roots from the cold.
- If your roses are your pride and joy, now is the time to winterize. Remove foliage on and around the
base of your rose plants to keep diseases at bay. Prune back any branches that show insect damage or signs of decay. Cut back long stems. Spray roses with a fungicide to protect plants through the cold months. Adding a generous layer of soil heaped around the base of the plants will help maintain heat and protect from the elements. Adding a layer of mulch will provide even more protection.
- Once the first frost hits, it’s time to pull your annuals. If you are so inclined, take cuttings of geraniums, impatiens, begonias and coleus to root for houseplants. Take note of your favorite annuals to use next spring.
- Pruning shouldn’t be extensive this time of year. Take care to clear away broken twigs and branches, but save the major pruning for later. Check out this blog post for more details.
- Mulch, mulch, and more mulch! Add a layer two to four inches deep in your perennial beds and over the bare soil in your garden to provide a blanket of protection. Bulbs ben
efit greatly from a cozy layer of evergreen boughs placed over them.
- If your houseplants have spent their summer vacation outdoors, it’s time to bring them inside.Make sure they get the appropriate light, and watering will be less frequent indoors. Skip fertilization until spring.
- Deeply water trees and shrubs before the first freeze and add a thick layer of mulch at their base for added protection.
As you can see, there is a lot of work to be done to get ready for the frosty temperatures heading our way in the not-so-distant future. Take advantage of a nice day here and there to check these things off your list before your landscape settles down for its long winter’s nap.
Need some help? We have only a couple of spots open for our fall clean-up services. Contact us for a quote today!