Naylor Landscape is honored to be a part of the Riverview Launch project, a three-year project to transform a once-neglected property into a stunning, natural sanctuary for locals. Hundreds of volunteers and thousands of hours went into developing this beautiful, unused property along the Kalamazoo River. If you haven’t been there yet, you must visit!
At the new site, visitors can park at any of the lots along the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail and bike or walk in. Parking is available on site, too. Wander the paths and learn about bees, rain gardens and Monarch butterflies. Bring a picnic and hang out on the patio or lawn.
Mike Holmes, a landscape architect at Naylor Landscape, recently spoke about the project, discussing the design of the Monarch waystation. By creating an environment flush with milkweed and wildflowers, the site acts as a natural home for the butterflies, with Monarch larva dependent on the milkweed for nurturing and adult Monarchs feeding on the wildflowers’ nectar.
In addition to the waystation, Naylor Landscape also assisted with a permaculture planting day last fall. At that time, a dawn redwood tree was planted and, though it is comparatively small at present, it can grow to be over 100 feet tall and 60 feet wide.
Since its unveiling, locals have complimented the marvelous transformation that was achieved at the site. With a host of activities for adults and children of all ages, Riverview Launch offers everyone a chance to relax, unwind, exercise, learn about gardening and, most importantly, spend time in nature. There truly is something for everyone!
Naylor Landscape would like to thank Kalamazoo County Land Bank for including us in this wonderful project.